New functionality: Browser Push Notifications

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New functionality: Browser Push Notifications


Post by panhead »

Board members now can receive real-time system notifications from their browser on their computers or devices for any of phpBB's existing notifications for common forum activities. Users can personalize their notification settings to align with their preferences and usage patterns in the UCP (User Control Panel).

To enable and configure this functionality:
* Go to your User Control Panel
* Go to 'Board preferences'
* Go to 'Edit notification options'
* Select the notifications you'd like pushed to your browser, enable push notifications, and allow your browser to send you notifications if prompted.

webpush-ucp.jpg (83.47 KiB) Viewed 2363 times

If enabled you'll see this (if you receive a notification):

notification.jpg (11.8 KiB) Viewed 2363 times
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